Easy way to know what is spiritual self care?

What is spiritual self care

To know what is Spiritual self care is the first baby step towards spiritual awakening.

“Life is meant to be lived, and that could only be possible by learning the art of spiritual self-care.”

What is self care?

Self-care means inculcating activities in  life that widen your soul’s horizons, which leads to  overall growth in every aspect of life.

I’d explain it by using instances from other people’s lives in the area, which would help us relate as well.

Self-care is important, but there is a fine line between physical and mental health.

Most people are skeptical of their physical appearance, while others become overly concerned with their health and eating habits.

However, have you ever noticed if your physical appearance or health aren’t drowning you in any form of anxiety or shame?

When people see themselves in the mirror or are complimented on, they frequently experience negative sentiments of guilt, anxiety, or humiliation. They become self-centered and misunderstand self-care as simply looking well in comparison to others, and they believe that consuming a small amount of food with the fear of gaining weight is the best form of self-care.

With an example, this would be a lot clearer.

A teen girl began college and observed her peers, and it was clear that the influence of looking beautiful was more on observing her surroundings.

To increase her appeal, she desired to seem as white as snow. In her haste, she went to a skin care center and underwent a number of operations at an inappropriate age. She ended up with open pores and pimples all over her body as a result.

Note: It is most important to bring your notice if you have teens and children working on their complexion escaping their important time for studies and learning. No, cream can make you fair. Read the article below about skin care and how big business is exploiting your skin anxieties by combining dangerous chemicals.


Do you consider this to be self-care?

No, no not at all.

However, I hope you get a sense of how thin the line is between where individuals normally begin with self-care and where they diverge into a self-pitying mindset.

When you begin to think about yourself in terms of self-pity, self-hate, self-loathing, self-doubt, self-disgust, and egotism, you have reached the stage of depressive episodes and hopelessness. Self-pity occurs when a person begins to doubt his or her own worth based on external factors such as appreciation, self-worth, and so on.

How spiritual awakening happens ?

Here is we need to know what is spiritual self care?

To stay lighter and avoid all low-energy emotions, practice spiritual self-care and offer yourself a little more love. That’s when the first baby step of knowledge starts about how spiritual awakening happens.

What is spiritual self care?

Spiritual self care is when your mind is aware of your needs and you begin to care for your body and mind without any doubt. When you begin to consider your body and mind as a means of communicating with your higher-self, the divine. Ladies, such as housewives, who care for their families, frequently neglect their own health and happiness. They become overly giving and, as a result, end up feeling lonely and alone.

How do I take care of my spiritual self care?

How to practice self-care?

Most people who are over emotional, sensitive, and easily get hurt are hesitant to say no to others.

So, when forging ahead on the path of spiritual self-care, learn to say “NO” when you need to. Also, learn to say “yes” if you can provide additional help. Do not look for your development on the shoulders of others.

Those who are hesitant to say “no” later become victims of depression and sadness.

What is spiritual health?

How do I take care of my spiritual self care?

Spiritual health implies that you owe everything to God and view your body as a gift from the universe. You consider your body to be a medium through which you can communicate with your higher self while losing control of your senses. You have a good mental and physical balance. You believe that life is happening to you and that you can make the world better with it. Overall, you will live with full consciousness for a purpose.

What are the four ways to practice spiritual self-care?

Certain activities and therapies can be incorporated into one’s daily routine to promote spiritual self-care.

  1. Walk mindfully on the beach or in parks. 

Walking barefoot in the woods or on the beach means connecting with nature. Nature has tremendous healing power. Our nature is abundant in everything because our body is made up of the five elements of nature, which are air, space, earth, water, and fire. Believe your planet just like your mother. No one really heals better than a mother. Connect with Mother Earth and let go of all your negative emotions.

  • Eat healthy food

Good, healthy food gives you good thoughts, which gives you energy to work on your dreams and day-to-day tasks all day.

  • Meditation and prayer

                 Make time for yourself at least once a day. Chant the name of your Guru or a God to whom you feel connected. Close your eyes and think of them while chanting their name. On a spiritual level, we are all connected in some way, so one can connect with the universe, sky, sun, or nature. Feeling one with them will keep you away from feeling lonely or lethargic.

  • Writing

Writing has long been seen to be the most effective technique to express and connect with all of your deep, wounded feelings. Practice daily writing of positive traits you want to see in yourself and negative traits you want to get rid of, such as addictions, habits, and so on. It’s another approach to feel better by releasing negative emotions.

 What is an example of spiritual self-care?

Because we are God’s creations, we all contain a part of him. However, occasionally, due to a variety of circumstances, we are unable to keep our minds from dwelling on negative thoughts and diving deeply into them. There are a few things you can do to take care of your spiritual self.

If you’ve started to take care of your spiritual health, there are several things you may perform or adopt to help you get started.

You must ensure that your thoughts are in your control and that you do not fall into the same old habits.

  1. To stay away from positive energy sucking environments.
 What is an example of spiritual self-care?

If you are sensitive towards negative and emotional things, then stop watching TV and mobile. Digital media is a very fast communication medium to transfer any kind of thing. Choose what you are comfortable with and eliminate toxic people, toxic videos, and toxic meetings from your life

2. Choose your circle wisely.

Why is spiritual self-care important?

Choose your circle or cut down on people who bring negativity and gossip. People who play martyrs exaggerate or show their anguish or distress in order to gain sympathy or admiration.

3. Join dance and zoomba classes.

Join yoga as it Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that entails physical postures, meditation, and deep breathing. Yoga can help you build endurance, strength, tranquility, flexibility, and overall well-being. 

4. Therapeutic Art

If you have any interest or hobby that you were used to do in your childhood days or college days and left it somehow. Bring back those activities in your life do it on weekends or whenever you feel you have time. Colors, sketching, sculpting, dancing and singing whatever you do using your body infuses in you with motivation, reassurance and confidence.

Why is spiritual self-care important?

Art as a Therapy

If you have a past passion or activity that you used to like as a child or in college, but have since abandoned, Bring those activities back into your life. Make time with them on weekends or whenever you have free time. Colors, sketching, sculpting, dancing and singing, and everything else that involves your body evokes motivation, reassurance, and confidence in you. Painting and other art therapies are great ways for spiritual self care.

Spiritual self-care is vital for everyone who wants to live an easy life and feel themselves as developing and wiser every year. By that time, you will have noticed that everything is one, pain and happiness will be seen as one. You will live a life with purpose. You will realize with each passing year how spiritual awakening happens.

Where do you wish to make a difference in your family, society, and environment?


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