A giggly sunday
A giggly Sunday.

My father loves reading newspapers on Sunday mornings. 12 years ago, on one Sunday, my mother, brother, and I were busy with our home chores after breakfast. It was 10 a.m., the peak time for my father to read the newspaper. He couldn’t locate his glasses. After searching over and over again, his patience dropped every minute.

The innocent father’s persistent efforts were not yielding any outcome. This could be evident in his euphonious voice, which was turned into a roaring, angry tone. He summoned us one by one to see if any of us had seen his glasses. His insatiable desire to read the newspaper had transformed him into a ravenous lion. My mother and brother calculated the need to act quickly and stood up to locate his glasses as soon as possible.

Nobody could stand a shrinking, fretful, angry lion. My mother and brother were running and switching rooms like a stampede of zebras when they saw a lion.

At last, seeing my idleness, my father reached out to me to help locate his glasses. I was busy with my project work on my laptop, and the moment I looked at him, everything turned comical.

The glasses were secured to his head. I asked my father, “Did you check your own head?”.

The inadvertent blooper-self-sabotage lion sat quietly in his favorite place for reading his newspaper.

My brother and mother, two sinless, intimidated souls, laughed the entire day about this situation.

The father’s blooper turned Sunday into a burst of uncontrollable laughter.

Share in the comments what has something happened to you as well and it’s kind of a funny story emerges at your home.

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